Prescription Alert is a computerised diary system which records particulars of all time-barred claims (not only prescribed RAF matters) registered by practitioners. This is a back-up diary system which sends reminders to practitioners of the impending prescription dates. It is important that practitioners also have their own internal diary systems. This service is provided at no cost to the profession.
Please also note the 20% penalty loading in excesses/deductibles in the event of a claim arising out of the prescription of a RAF matter and the claim was either not registered on the Prescription Alert system or the reminders sent by that system were not complied with.
In registering a claim on the Prescription Alert system, it is of vital importance that the attorney uploading the details checks to ensure that accurate information is uploaded. In the event that incorrect information is provided, the calculation of the prescription date will be incorrect. It should not be assumed that the prescription period is three (3) years in all cases! Prescription Alert does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the date provided.
A Helpline is also available for attorneys requiring assistance in registering claims with Prescription Alert, or who have queries in regard to statutory provisions relating to time- barred claims.
Contact details for Prescription Alert unit:
Tel no: (021 – 422 2830)
Fax no. (086 -575 6803)
Docex 149
Cape Town
Click here to view a Prescription Table and Click here to view the Prescription Act 68 of 1969